Chessdiagrammer Forum

Cannot launch Chessdiagrammer 46beta
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Autor:  haresmatic [ Fr 23. Jan 2009, 18:30 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Cannot launch Chessdiagrammer 46beta

Downloaded and installed on Windows Vista Business. Programme launches with error:
Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:
Die Installation der Schachfonts ist fehlgeschlagen.
Das Programm muss beendet werden!

Copied all suplied chess fonts to Windows fonts folder. Same error. Programme does not launching.

Windows Vista not supported or ... ?

Autor:  Lilywhite Lilith [ Sa 24. Jan 2009, 02:09 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Cannot launch Chessdiagrammer 46beta


i have installed chessdiagrammer on a machine with vista business [32 bit], service pack 1. the program runs with no problems.

are you working with a 64 bit version?

if so, i'm sorry, because i have no 64 bit testing machine.

if not, we can try something.
at first i would ask you, if you have administrator privileges when installing chessdiagrammer?

and the second thing:
in the chessdiagrammer directory, you will find an error logfile: startlog.txt
please send me this file.


Autor:  Ekkehard [ Sa 24. Jan 2009, 12:12 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Cannot launch Chessdiagrammer 46beta

hello again,

i think i will have to change the setup.
the chess fonts are installed temporarily at this moment, each time, when chessdiagrammer starts.

this is a problem, when a diagram is copied in rtf-mode and shall be pasted it in an rtf-editor, like ms word or openoffice. in these applications the chess fonts are not available. bad.

i will change the setup in the way that all truetype fonts will be registered by the installer.

hope, this will solve the problem.

please have a look in the forum, i will post a message, when the new build is available.

kind regards,

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